Demolition | Lausanne Condos

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Available for work in Colorado and Coast to Coast — It all starts with a simple phone call.

While our specialists have been setting the safety anchors, the rest of the crew were busy at roof level. Caps have been removed and the acrylic lenses removed.

Detaching the frame proceeds pretty quickly.

With the framework detached and lift straps in place, the frame is lifted in one piece and moved to the ground.

Another piece of the project that has been taking place simultaneously with the work above is the construction of a temporary platform. This platform, constructed of two large I-beams and plywood decking, will be used throughout the erection of the framework of the new skylight.

With the platform in place, it’s time for the construction phase.

Lausanne skylight construction
Lausanne skylight construction 23835-15.59
In Progress | Frame pieces are being prepared for the initial assembly and lift to roof.

Careful planning has paid off and the “fun” work is about to begin!

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